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Eco Champions Awards 2018

Eco-Educator Candidates

Mr. Lam Tee Jye

SMK Muhibbah (Sandakan)

Past Environmental Projects :


1) 2011- Asian Wetland School Network Exchange Programme, Rainforest Discovery Centre (Teacher Advisor))
2) 2012- Penerbitan Majalah The Green Wave Issue 2012 (ISBN 978-967-10236-6-2), (Guru Pembimbing)
3) 2012- Project Earth World Environment Day 2012 Second Place Winner (Participant)
4) 2012- 3rd Malaysian Environmental Education Conference, Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sandakan (Participant)
5) 2012- International Youth Conference 2012,SMK Dato' Onn Butterworth (Teacher Advisor)
6) 2013/2014- Anugerah Guru SERASI (Peserta)
7) 2013- Penerbitan Majalah The Green Wave Issue 2013 (ISSN 2289-6015) (Penulis Arktikel dan Guru Pembimbing)
8) 2013- Green Wave 2013 Peringkat Daerah Sandakan, SMK Muhibbah, (Penyelaras)
9) 2013- Pertandingan Kem Pendidikan Alam Semula jadi 2013 Peringkat Kebangsaan, SISFEC, UPM (Guru Pengiring)
10) 2015- Water Quest District Level, Sabah Terrestrial Conservation Programme, WWF-Malaysia (Programme Manager)
11) 2015- Seminar Pendidikan Alam Sekitar Heart of Borneo, Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah, (Peserta)
12) 2015- Conference on Environmental Education Best of Both Worlds (BoBW) 2015, Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sandakan ( Participant & Keynote person)
13) 2013-2105- NEC World Children Nature Club An International Environmental Education Exchange Programme Though Video Conferencing (Facilitator)
14) 2016- Program TOYOTA Eco Youth 2016, Wakil Sabah (Guru Pembimbing)
15) 2016- Awareness to Action Workshop Raleigh International, Rainforest Discovery Centre (Participant)
16) 2017- Seminar Klinik Tanpa Sampah, Klinik Kesihatan Sandakan (JPL) (Penceramah)
17) 2017- EERACE 18 The East Coast Edition An Environmental Enducation Course For Teachers, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Sabah & Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sabah ( Observer)
18) 2017-Borneo Story Writing Workshop, Fature Alam Borneo (Committee Member)
19) 2017- Bengkel Eco-Schools 7 Steps Methodology, SJK (C) Tai Tong Sandakan (Penceramah)
20) 2018- Karnival Alam Sekitar Muhibbah Peringkat Daerah, SMK Muhibbah (Penyelaras)
International Eco-Schools Conference
21) 2012- Kuala Sepetan, Perak (Guru Pengiring)
22) 2013- Kuala Selangor, Selangor (Guru Pengiring)
23) 2014- Singapore International Eco-Schools Conference, ITE College East (Guru Pengiring)
24) 2015- Shah Alam, Selangor (Guru Pengiring)
25) 2016- Sandakan, Sabah (Ahli Jawatankuasa)
26) 2017- Melaka (Guru Pengiring)

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

1) 2011-2012 Program Sekolah Lestari-Anugerah Alam Sekitar (Perak) (Peringkat Kebangsaan)
2) 2013 Malaysia Green Tech Awards (Peringkat Kebangsaan)
3) 2013/2014 Anugerah Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar SERASI -Anugerah Wira Harapan (Peringkat 4) Negeri)
4) 2013 Eco-Schools Green Flag Award (Peringkat Antarabangsa)
5) 2015/2016 Anugerah Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar SERASI -Anugerah Wira SERASI(Ketiga) dan Anugerah Lagu SERASI (Ketiga) (Peringkat Negeri)
6) 2016 TOYOTA Eco Youth (Johan Negeri Sabah) (Peringkat Kebangsaan)
7) 2016 Eco-Schools Green Flag Award (Peringkat Antarabangsa)
8) 2017 Sekolah Tanpa Sampah (Peringkat Daerah)

Future initiative :

Saya akan menubuhkan jawatankuasa Program Eco-Schools dalam kalangan murid-murid di peringkat daerah dan negeri. Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh sekolah (khasnya sekolah kerajaan) jarang melibatkan dalam program Eco-Schools dan aktiviti alam sekitar adalah guru tidak masa, tidak minat aktiviti alam sekitar dan aktiviti yang demikian membebankan guru. Sekiranya program atau aktiviti dipusatkan kepada murid-murid, ini akan menyelasaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Setiap sekolah akan menghantar wakil murid untuk menduduki dalam jawatankuasa dalam program Eco-Schools di peringkat daerah. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa diberi peluang untuk berkongsi masalah alam sekitar yang dihadapi di sekolah mereka masing-masing dan merancang aktiviti alam sekitar atau menyediakan pelan tindakan secara berpusat. Ini Bermakna aktiviti-aktiviti yang dirancang akan dijalankan di semua sekolah dalam daerah masing-masing.Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan semangat bekerjasama dan saling membantu antara sekolah-sekolah untuk melaksanakan aktiviti alam sekitar, tingkatkan sifat kepimpinan dalam kalangan murid-murid, sumber kewangan dan tenaga dapat dikumpulkan secara pusat supaya mengurangkan beban pada satu pihak sahaja. Selain itu, murid-murid dari sekolah yang berlainan dapat berkongsi mengenai pengetahuan, idea, pendapat dan jenis-jenis aktiviti alam sekitar.
Seperti contoh untuk menjalankan kempen kitar semula, aktiviti mengumpulkan bahan kitar semula boleh dijalankan seretak di semua sekolah. Bajet dan perbelanjaan akan ditanggug dan diagihkan oleh semua sekolah yang terlibat dan lebih ramai tenaga pelaksana untuk menjayakan kempen. Imbaknya lebih besar sekiranya kempen kitar semula dijalankan dalam peringkat daerah jika berbanding dengan di sekolah sahaja dan semua kekangan untuk kempen atau aktiiviti kitar semula dapat ditangani dengan situasi WIN_WIN.
Selain itu, menubuhkan jawatankuasa berpusat akan mengurangkan beban WWF Malaysia dan Eco-Schools Kebangsaan untuk memantau dan mengawal setiap sekolah Eco-Schools secara satu-satu. Dan dengan cara ini juga akan menggalakkan lebih banyak sekolah untuk menyertai dengan program Eco-Schools.

Mr. Mohd Fikri Bin Mohd Jamil

Idrissi International School

Past Environmental Projects :


1. Head of event - SEMBANG@WWF with Idrissi (2018)
2. Applicant for Geran Kecil Alam Sekitar dan Teknologi Hijau Selangor - Succesful - (2018)
3. Internal Supervisor - Pertandingan Kitar Semula Sekolah Shah Alam 2018 (MBSA) (2018)
4. Up-cycled broken tables and pallets to create wooden based furniture for Idrissi Science and Eco Exhibition (2017)
5. Collaborated with public universities such as UPM to promote better Aquaponic systems (2017)
6. Supervised students to create a whole booth of crafts made of recyclable materials during TEDTalk (2016)
7. Led multiple groups during beach cleaning trip (2018)
8. Led multiple groups during river cleaning trip (2016)

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

1. Selangor's State Grant - Geran Kecil Alam Sekitar dan Teknologi Hijau.(2018)
Applied for State's Grant to organize an event of trees planting to create environmental awareness among Setia Alam communities. Application was successfully accepted to a full grant amount of RM5000.

Future initiative :

If the sky is the limit then I would like to see our world to have a better tomorrow by adding... 

1. Fully sustainable eco-shopping mall
A fully shoppers experience shopping mall which sustains 100% on self-powered clean energy (solar).

A four-level complex with a total net area of 800,000 sq ft. This eco-friendly building will be equipped with multiple green features, which is expected to obtain the Green Building Index once completed. 
Among its green features are rainwater harvesting, solar panels on the roof that will provide sufficient electricity to the whole mall using Tesla Powerwall as its energy storage, as well as using tyres for the foundation, reducing the building’s temperature and helping maintain its central courtyard’s temperature at 25°C.
It will also saves on electricity by allowing cross-ventilation system and natural sunlight to pass through its glass roof to optimise day-lighting and uses light-emitting diode (LED) lighting on its façade.

The mall will be located 500m from lakes where irrigation systems will be built to make use of natural sources of water. Portions of maintenance fee collected from retailers will be used to cover the required costs of water treatment due to high levels of iron or calcium. Using natural source of water may help to conserve mains water and lower its overhead costing.

User experience:
Biodegradeable plastic bags, energy-efficient airconds, refrigerators and shoppers who bring reusable bags can scoot past the queues at dedicated checkout counters.

2. Eco power plan in every residential area to lighten the whole community, replacing typical non-ecofriendly power plan, increasing its sustainability and offering less expensive solution to people.

3. Gradually restrict diesel and petroleum based vehicles from production to boost the production of electric cars, at he same time reducing the price of electric cars due to competition, 

4. Ecology to be part of primary & secondary education syllabus system in every school, making it as important as science, math, and english

5. Any enviromental ragulations will not be influent by giant industrial companies' decision that controls economical factor.

...if only the sky is the limit.

Mr. Shamsul Mutaza Abu Bakar

Sri Bestari School

Past Environmental Projects :


a.our annual Camp is called BIO CAMP, which expose my biology student to and outdoor learning environment.
b. developed the school Urban Garden
c. Water Conservation Project
d. E-Waste Project
e. No Polystyrene Campaign.
f. Waste Management Seminar
g. Earth Hour@School

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

Eco Schools Programme - Silver Award (2013, 2014)
Eco Schools Programme - Green Flag Award ( 2015, 2017)
Young Designprenuer Challenge - Organised by KDU University
River Ranger Challenge - Organised by GEC

Future initiative :

My dream is to tour Malaysia, to create awareness to all schools about the environmental issues and how ECO SCHOOLS PROGRAMME could be a beneficial platform for the the school to embark on.

By doing this road tour, it will give opportunity to all school to know what they can do as part or the Mother Nature.

I don't have a proposal, but I f I were given sufficient resources & financial support, I would like to form a 'TEAM' to do this road tour.

Ms. Jennifer Asing

SM St. Michael Penampang

Past Environmental Projects :


* Water Vision teacher advisor (2009 - 2018)
* Speak Up Advisor (2016 - 2017)
* Advisor and landscaper for Blooming SMSM (2006 - 2018)
* Advisor Collaborator Sustainable Programme (2017-2018)
* Speaker and Advisor Energy Efficiency Conservator (EEC) (2017-2018)
* Speaker and AdvisorTowards Sustainable Mother Earth (ToSuMoe) - (2016-2018)

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

* Speak Up award (National level) - 2016
* SERASI (Sekolah Rakan Alam sekitar) award (State level) - 2016
* LESTARI award (National Champion for all categories) - 2017
* Water Vision award (National level) - 2017
* Jabatan Parit dan Saliran (Grants RM15K) - 2018
* Green Flag award (International level) - 2015 - 2017
* Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition 
(International level) (1 Gold, 2 Silver and 3 Bronze) : 2018
* (1 Gold, 1 Silver,1 Bronze & Special Award from Romania Country)
* Innovation Design Research International Symposium (IDRIS) (International level) - 2017
(Double Gold, 4 Gold, 1 Silver, Special Award from Taiwan and Grand Award)
* Yong Inventors Challenge (International level) 2017 - (Silver)
* The 4th International Yong Inventors Award (IYIA) (International level) - 2017 (1 Gold, 2 Silver and
3 Bronze)

Future initiative :

I would really love to have a Community Responsible Service (CSR) to those underprivileged people in the rural area especially places that do not have enough clean water source or constructing a reservoir for them. An awareness campaign need to be given on the importance of clean water conservation in that area. Awareness and education on clean water among the people is importance as it will enable the people to sustain the knowledge shared.We would like to start internally starting from the minds and practices of our students and gradually moving our services outside to the community.

P.M.Nagarajan Pillai S.P. Murugapan

Sekolah Kebangsaan Cheng

Past Environmental Projects :


1. Melaka Eco-schools Trainer - 2017-2018
2. Coordinator for Eco-Schools SK Cheng 2017- 2018
3. International Eco-schools Conference, committee
4. Coordinator for Eco Schools SK Cheng Launching 2017
5. Sharing and Charing Programme: bring pupils to town and let them spread infos about Sk Cheng Eco to public
6. Penpal Writing Back Coordinator between SK Cheng and Seth Anandram Jairpuria School, Ghaziabad,Kolkata, India 2017 -2018 : pupils connect via email discussing about respective eco schools project.
7. Board of Committee for SK Cheng Eco School Garden 
8. Board of Committee for Eco SK Cheng benchmarking programme between SK Cheng and SK Pelangai, Pahang.

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :


Future initiative :

I want to save the sea creatures.
Thinking that they cant speak to complain about what they are facing due to human deed, making me feel so irresponsible.
Human are killing them without realising. We are only thinking about ourselves.
I will spread this to my school kids and i hope they will support and walk with me.

Siti Yuslaini Bt Mohd Samsuri

Sekolah Kebangsaan Lok Yuk Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Past Environmental Projects :


Projek dan peranan yang dijalankan:

1) Kem Eco-School siri 1-4(2014-2017) melibatkan penyertaan sekolah lain - Peranan: Setiausaha & Penyelaras. 

2)Program komuniti bersama penduduk Kg Darau(2015) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pelaksana
3)Program komuniti & klinik angkat (klinik kesihatan Inanam) fasa 1-4(2017-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pelaksana. 

4) Lawatan integrasi Eco-School (Singapura 2015, Indonesia 2016, Australia 2017) - Peranan: Mencari dana, Penyelaras, Guru Pengiring. 

5) Projek taman kitar semula (2017) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pembimbing
6)Projek khas demonstrasi (setiap bulan-2014-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pelaksana 7)Program 1 murid 1 bunga (2010-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras

8) Projek sekolah dalam taman (2009-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pelaksana

9) Bengkel Eco-School Malaysia (2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras

10) Projek kolaborasi mentor-menti SKLYI dan SKIL (2017-2018) - Peranan; Mentor & Penyelaras

11) Program sayangi bumi kita sempena hari bumi (2017) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pelaksana

12) Projek Edu Fun (kraftangan 2014-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pembimbing

13) Program gotong royong perdana bersama ibu bapa (2009-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras

14) Projek sudut taman mini, sudut kraftangan dan sudut Eco-School dalam kelas (2009-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Penilai

15) Projek kajian alam sekitar (2014-2018) - Peranan: Penyelaras & Pembimbing

16) Program hari alam sekitar negara - Peranan: Penyelaras

17) Projek Bokashi (2014-2018) -Peranan: Penyelaras, Pembimbing, Pelaksana

18) Projek lorong PPDA (2017-2018) - Peranan: Pelaksana

19) Projek HIP (2016-2018) - Peranan: Pelaksana 20) Kem akhlak mulia (2010-2017) -Peranan: Penyelaras & Pelaksana

21) Kem akademik (2010-2017) - Peranan: Pelaksana & Pembimbing

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

Anugerah yang pernah diterima:

1) Anugerah guru sekolah rakan alam sekitar (SERASI) - (Peringkat Negeri, 2013/2014)

2) Anugerah guru inovatif kokurikulm - (peringkat Sekolah- 2017)

3) Anugerah guru inovasi - (peringkat sekolah- 2014)

4) Anugerah guru ceria dan kreatif sepanjang tahun -(peringkat sekolah-2011)

5) Anugerah guru pengurus kokurikulm terbaik( kelab program rakan bumi Eco-School) -(peringkat sekolah- 2013)

6) Anugerah guru kreatif dan inovatif -(peringkat sekolah-2013)

7) Anugerah guru paling kreatif -(peringkat sekolah-2014)

8) Anugerah bilik khas paling ceria-(peringkat sekolah-2010)

9) Anugerah pengurusan kokurikulm terbaik unit beruniform -(peringkat sekolah 2010-2012)

10) Anugerah guru berketrampilan -(peringkat sekolah-2011)

11) Anugerah guru penyayang dan prihatin- (peringkat sekolah-2011)

12) Anugerah guru pembimbing kokurikulum terbaik- (peringkat sekolah-2015)

13) Anugerah pengusaha taman ProRABU taman herba ria- (peringkat sekolah-2012)

14) Anugerah usaha mewujudkan taman herba - (peringkat sekolah-2011)

15) Anugerah taman terbaik-(peringkat sekolah-2014)

16) Anugerah guru taman tercantik-(peringkat sekolah-2015)

Future initiative :

Jika saya diberikan sumber yang mencukupi, saya akan mencipta dan membuat satu teknologi yang berkaitan alam sekitar contohnya mesin 3R. Mesin 3R ialah satu mesin teknologi yang canggih yang mana ia boleh menukarkan barang terpakai itu kepada duit secara langsung dengan mengira kadar berat. Tujuan mesin 3R ini adalah

1) Mendorong masyarakat minat terhadap kitar semula

2) Membantu masyarakat menjana pendapatan

3) Menjadikan negara bersih tanpa sampah

4) Mengurangkan kadar pengangguran dalam negara.

5) Melatih generasi akan datang akan sayang kepada alam sekitar.

James Johnny

Sekolah Kebangsaan Lok Yuk Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Past Environmental Projects :


Penglibatan secara langsung dalam aktiviti dan projek yang dikendalikan dengan menitikberatkan proses pengurusan dan pemantauan pelaksanaan projek serta memastikan setiap projek yang dikendalikan dapat mencapai kriteria yang ditetapkan. selain itu, perancangan dan perbincangan dengan setiap komponen yang dipertandingkan melalui mesyuarat dan taklimat.

i. Pertandingan Tandas Tercantik (Nain Johan) 2017, Kempen Sekolah Tanpa Sampah anjuran Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu : pengisian projek menggunakan bahan kitar semula dengan penanam hijau.

ii. Pertandingan Sekolah Rakan Alam sekitar ( SERASI ) anjuran Jabatan Alam Sekitar: a. Kategori Kesedaran Alam Sekitar Terbaik pada tahun 2012 b. Kategori Outrich Terbaik pada tahun 2014.

iii. Pertandingan Inovasi Kelab dan Persatuan Ko Kurikulum peringkat daerah pada tahun 2017

iv. Pertandingan Fotografi Eco-School peringkat kebangsaaan. Menang tempat kedua dan ketiga. v. Pertandingan Kitar Semula anjuran PerKISS ( layak ke peringkat Kebangsaan) 2017

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

Sesungguhnya dengan menyertai Program Alam Sekitar banyak manfaat yang telah diperolehi. Kejayaan yang telah diperolehi oleh pihak sekolah antaranya : Bil. KEJAYAAN PERINGKAT ANJURAN 1. Pengiktirafan Sekolah Tanpa Sampah ;Tahun 2010,2011,2013,2014,2015; Peringkat Daerah ;Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu

2. Lawatan Integrasi ke Sk Sembawang Singapura / Tahun 2015 ; Peringkat Antarabangsa

3. Lawatan Integrasi Eco School ke 2 buah sekolah eco-school di Indonesia Tahun 2016 Peringkat Antarabangsa

4. Pertandingan Anugerah SERASI Kategori : Aktiviti Kesedaran Alam Sekitar Terbaik/Tahun 2011/2012; Peringkat Negeri ; Anjuran Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar

5. Program Eco-School: Anugerah Kategori Gangsa / Tahun2013 ; Peringkat: Kebangsaan / antarabangsa; Anjuran WWF

6. Pertandingan Anugerah SERASI Kategori : Saguhati dan Outrech terbaik Tahun 2013/2014 peringkat Negeri ; Anjuran: Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar

7. Pertandingan Anugerah Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar ( SERASI ) Kategori : Tempat ke-3 Wira SERASI Tahun 2015/2016 ;Peringkat Negeri ;Anjuran :Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar

8. Anugerah Guru Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar( SERASI ) Tahun 2013/2014 ; Peringkat Negeri ; Anjuran Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar

9. Program Eco-School Anugerah Kategori Silver/Tahun 2014 Kebangsaan / antarabangsa WWF

10. Program Eco-School Anugerah Kategori Silver/Tahun 2015 Peringkat Kebangsaan / antarabangsa WWF

11. Program Eco-School Anugerah Green Flag/Tahun 2016 (Sekolah rendah PERTAMA di Malaysia mendapat anugerah ini ) Peringkat Kebangsaan / antarabangsa Anjuran WWF

12. Pertandingan Fotografi Eco-School. Mendapat tempat kedua dan ketiga Peringkat Kebangsaan Anjuran WWF

13. Anugerah Guru Besar Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar ( SERASI ) Tahun 2016 Peringkat Negeri Anjuran Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar

14. Gotong royong bersama komuniti Kampung Darau Menggatal Zon Sekolah

15. Menganjurkan Kem Eco-School Siri 1, 2 dan 3/Tahun 2014, 2015 dan 2016  Peringkat PLC/Daerah

16. Pertandingan Kitar Semula Tahun 2016 dan 2017 Peringkat Kebangsaan Anjuran PerKISS

17. Gotong Royong Perdana bersama PIBG dan LPS Sekolah SK Lok Yuk Inanam

18. Mentor kepada sekolah lain (SK Inanam Laut) Peringkat Daerah

19. Program Hari Bumi Sekolah SK Lok Yuk Inanam

20. Program Sayangi Bumi Kita (Aktiviti demonstrasi bersama ibu bapa)

Future initiative :

Projek Penanaman Cendawan

1. Penanaman dilakukan di dalam sekolah di tempat yang dipilih

Hasil tuaian dapat dijual kepada warga sekolah dan juga dipasarkan kepada pada peniaga peniaga kecil di pasar

Elizabeth Lok

Sekolah Kebangsaan Lok Yuk Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Past Environmental Projects :


I take the lead in carrying out environmental Eco-projects. I look for opportunities. Most of the time write working papers. I also chair meetings and have discussions with the teachers and staffs. Finally, we carry out the projects accordingly. Below is a list of Eco-projects that I have initiated:

1. SERASI (Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar) Projects (2010 - 2018)

1.1 Composting.

1.2 Making Bio Enzyme.

1.3 Planting plants, flowers, fruit trees, vegetables.

1.4 Landscaping.

1.5 Bio-Diversity activities such rearing Seramah chicken, flesh water fish in aquariums and small ponds, tortoise.

2. Waste Management Projects sponsored by IKEA. (2015 - 2016) focusing on 5R activities:

2.1 Self Management of Wastes in the school including the students and the teachers.

2.2 Making use of plastic bottles for different purposes such as decorative items, hydroponic plantings.

2.3 Composting and making Bio-Enzyme

2.4 Putting up a recycle centre in the school compound.

3. Eco-system fresh water fish projects in aquariums and small ponds made from used tyres by PACOS. (2013 - 2018)

4. Grape Garden sponsored by Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar,
Sabah.(2017 - 2018)

5. The Orchid Pagolar sponsored by School Board Management. (2017)

6. Rain water collection tanks sponsor by the School Board Management for watering plants, rearing fish and for general washing purposes. (2012 -2018)

7. Community Project at the Darau village ( 2015) and at the Kinik Kesihatan Inanam (2017 - 2018) joint venture with Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah
(Unit Promosi) and Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (DBKK).

7.1 Mega cleaning up of both the compounds

7.2. Throwing Mud balls into the Darau River

7.3 Beautify the different areas of the clinic with plants and decorative items made from plastic bottles.

8. Organize Eco-Camps for the 4th time (2014 -2017) involving 7 - 10 other schools each time:

8.1 Making Bio-Enzyme 8.2 Making flower pots with plastic bottles for hydroponic planting

8.3 Terrarium

8.4 Slides presentation on environment issues and how to overcome them, climate change including flash flood, save energy

8.5 Competitions on making things with used materials

8.6 Hand-crafts

8.7 Demonstration on making candles

8.8 Drawing and painting.

Recognition (awards / grants / accreditation received) :

1. SERASI Harapan: Kategori Pengurusan Kesedaran Alam Sekitar Terbaik:by
Jabatan Alam Sekitar Sabah: State Level (2012): Trophy and money RM2,500.00

2. Grant from PACOS for Eco-System Fresh Water Fish (2013): RM 3,000.00

3. Bronze Award by Eco-School Malaysia (2013):National Level.

4. Silver Award by Eco-School
Malaysia (2014, 2015): National Level

5. Seed Grant from IKEA for Waste
Management Program (2015 - 2016): RM 3,000.00

6. Grant from Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar, Sabah for Aquaponik planting (2016): RM1,000.00 7. WIRA SERASI 3rd Place by Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Sabah (2016): State Level: Trophy
and RM 3,000.00

8. Guru Besar SERASI by Jabatan Alam Sekitar Sabah (2016): State Level:Certificate and RM1,000.00 9. Green Flag Award by Eco-School Malaysia (2016): International Level

10. Anugerah Cemerlang Pengurusan 3K by Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kota Kinabalu (2016): District level: Cerificate 11. Grant for initiating a Grape Garden by Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar (2016): RM 3,00.00
12. 5 Star School Washroom Award 2nd Place by Dewan Bandaray Kota Kinabalu (2017): District Level: Certificates and RM 1,500.00

13 Litter Free School by Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu for the 5th Time (2010 - 2017):District Level: Certificates
14. Appointed as Mentor SERASI by SK Inanam Laut (2018)

Future initiative :

If I were given the opportunity with sufficient resources, I would like to turn the whole school into a ECO TOURISM SCHOOL. The school will prepare demonstrations on making candles, Bio-enzymes, soap, EM solution, hydroponic planting, rearing tortoise, Eco-games and quizzes, Herbal Gallery, grape planting, mushroom cultivation and doing handcrafts, talks on environment, introducing local herbal products etc. We invite other school students to visit the school and they learn to love the environment by involving themselves in the different types of activities mentioned above . The activities will be carried out from station to station. Since the school compound is small in area, special rooms and space such the library, canteen and the meeting room will be used to carry out some of the activities. Only one afternoon in a week is fixed for visiting by the outsiders. Different teachers and students will be assigned and trained to handle the different activities. The duration of visitation is only 1 hour minimum and 2 hours maximum. Different packages are offered according to the choice of activities. Charges will be imposed depending on the types of activities chosen in the packages. Why charges? Charges are for buying and replacing tools and materials for the activities and also for free gifts as well as souvenirs. Charges will be reasonable and affordable. The main objective to be an Eco Tourism School is to spread the seeds of love for the environment while teaching the young generation the ways to take care of the environment wherever they may be.

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Eco-Green Mentor


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