Tools & Resources
YEAR 2017
Speaker 1
Name : Jenny Kong
Afiliation : IPGK Tuanku Bainun
Sembang title : Beruang Matahari: Khazanah yang Terancam
Kepupusan merupakan perkara yang amat menakutkan. Biarlah saya menjadi suara untuk membantu spesis yang terancam. Sembang akan menjadi platform saya untuk memberi kesedaran kepada semua bahawa dunia ini adalah lebih indah sekiranya semua hidupan dapat hidup aman
tanpa ancaman.
Jenny Kong : Beruang Matahari: Khazanah yang Terancam
Speaker 2
Name : Anushea A/P Sudhakaran
Afiliation : SMK Damansara Jaya
Sembang title : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
I'm a student from SMK Damansara Jaya. Though I have limited experience in public speaking, I am driven by my conviction for this issue as well as other environmental issues. I am honoured to have this opportunity as a platform to address this quandary and shine a light on the plight of the voiceless. I also believe in standing up for what is right whether it be on gender equality, education or protection of wildlife. My goal is to use my voice and do whatever it takes to make this world, even in the slightest bit, a better place.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
Speaker 3
Name : Norsyana Tasnim Binti Nor Aslam Mano
Afiliation : SMK Muhibbah
Sembang title : One Drop of Life
I'm passionate about environment and sustainable issues, and I speak out about these issues whenever I can because I know that all of us can make a difference. I hope that for the sake of future generation, we will ensure environmental conservation is given the utmost priority so that
they can enjoy the earth's pristine resources, instead of suffer the pollution created by us and generations before us.
Norsyana Tasnim Binti Nor Aslam Mano : One Drop of Life
Speaker 4
Name : Nur Syafiqah Binti Mohd Sabri
Afiliation : IPGK Tuanku Bainun
Sembang title : Kerana Kita Pengguna
I love to give talk and public speech. Sembang@WWF is the best platform for me to share my views. Inspired people is a thing that I always love to do. It is very satisfying to see how one can inspire others. I hope that my talk will leave an impact on people.
Nur Syafiqah Binti Mohd Sabri : Kerana Kita Pengguna
Speaker 5
Name : Thevyaa Manivasagam
Afiliation : IPGK Raja Malewar
Sembang title : Poverty Free World: Hunger
I am an undergraduate in special education needs course in IPGK Raja Malewar. Living as a human is not a big thing but living as a good human is the most crucial thing. Be the best of yourself. Do good and inspire the world with your good deeds. My vision is 10 years from now on there
mustn’t be any kwashiorkor kids in this world. That's all my life is about. Change is the only thing that doesn't change! What more to wait? Change! Unite! Get rid of poverty! Make world the greatest place to live.
Thevyaa Manivasagam : Poverty Free World: Hunger
Speaker 6
Name : Brian Fam
Afiliation : Student Division in Soka Gakkai Malaysia
Sembang title : Mapting (Mobile application on Sustainability)
I’m a simple guy who has just finished my tertiary education and finding my way to fit into the society. I love food, laugh a lot (for no apparent reason) and enjoy being in the moment. I’m actively engaged in Student Division in Soka Gakkai Malaysia since 2008, volunteered in various
exhibition and training. I found my passion in Navigator group of SGM, which primarily focuses on increasing the awareness of art and cultural literacy among Malaysian through various events such as peace lectures, art performance, exhibition among others.
Brian Fam : Mapting (Mobile application on Sustainability)
Click here to read more about
Sembang@WWF 2017
YEAR 2016
Muhammad Anwar Ibrahim is a Mechanical Engineering student from University Teknologi PETRONAS
(UTP). After completing his third year, he is currently undergoing his internship in Finisar Corporation
Sdn Bhd. He is the Research Leader and one of the core members in the YESCP-UTP team. His other
responsibilities include being the Advisor for Student Representative for Public Relations for Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS and the President of the Global Network Club UTP. He is also active in innovative competitions, leading his team to the 26th International Invention & Innovation Exhibition (ITEX 2015), winning the silver medal. Anwar is a natural born hustler who is ambitious and believes in becoming better everyday. Dedicated and passionate, he understands the importance of time and aims to increase the awareness for sustainability among the young generation
Muhammad Anwar Ibrahim bin Seeni Mohamed : Engineering A More Sustainable World
Speaker 2
Name : Jessadine Rose Jr. L. Baluyot
Afiliation : Sekolah Menengah Damansara Jaya
Sembang title : Shark Finning- It’s Not Fin-tastic
Born in Kuala Lumpur and lives in Petaling Jaya, this Philippina is 17 years old and studies in Sekolah Menengah Damansara Jaya, Selangor. She is the eldest child in her family of four and has a little sister.
As a member of the Eco-School Club, she takes part in environmental education programmes in her school as often as possible. She knows she cannot save the environment on her own and that time is running out for Mother Nature, so she seizes every moment to increase environmental awareness among her peers.
She regularly updates her friends on environment related news no matter what reactions she receives. Jessadine vows to use all the energy she has to do whatever she can to save the environment for future generations.
Jessadine Rose Jr. L. Baluyot:Shark Finning - It’s Not Fin-tastic
Speaker 3
Name : Ng Yong Zheng Ng
Afiliation : Sekolah Sri Bestari, Bandar Sri Damansara
Sembang title : We Are Living in South Haze Asia
He is 17 years old, a student studying in Sekolah Sri Bestari, Bandar Sri Damansara - the current team leader of the school’s Eco Team. The team achieved the highest achievement in Eco Schools Programme, the Green Flag Award in 2015.
He describes himself as an ordinary student, neither excellent in academic nor sports – but he found his character and leadership qualities when he joined the Eco Team in 2013, when he was in Form 2. He believes that as an environment leader, his main task is not obtaining awards, but to inuence people to develop their own “eco” lifestyle and also help develop new environment leaders in the team.
Ng Yong Zheng : We Are Living In South Haze Asia
Speaker 4
Name : Nor Nadiah Mod Najib
Afiliation : IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam
Sembang title : Pemburuan Haram: Kita Mampu Mengubahnya
Nor Nadiah binti Moh Najib adalah seorang mahasiswa IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam. Berumur 20 tahun, bercita-cita ingin menjadi mahasiswa yang aktif dan peka terhadap kesejahteraan alam sekitar. Walaupun dalam profesion perguruan dan akan menjadi guru Pendidikan Islam, namun beliau berazam akan menyebarkan mesej cintakan alam sekitar kepada masyarakat. Beliau juga
berharap melalui program ini akan memberi impak dan kesan yang mendalam kepada dirinya dan juga para hadirin. Nadiah percaya dengan kata-kata “Voice out your opinion is better than being silent reader”
Nor Nadiah binti Mod Najib : Pemburuan Haram: Kita Mampu Mengubahnya
Speaker 5
Name : Jerome Khou
Afiliation : IPG Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim
Sembang title : Give Our Hands To Sharks
This 21 year old Mathematics major from IPG Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim in Johor Bahru was born in Penang and is now staying in Kulim, Kedah.
Ever since secondary school, Jerome has been on a path of leadership, starting with his appointment as the Head of Librarian. Currently, he is involved in several organisations and activities in campus. He was nominated twice and was appointed President of Eco-Volunteers Temenggong Ibrahim (EVOLTI) in the year 2015 and 2016. He is also currently elected as the President 1, of the 50th IPG Students Representative Council of IPG Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim. In year 2014, he was appointed the Head Editor of Semaian Subur, the in-house publication for the campus and held the position of President of Information and Communication Technology and Publication Bureau of the 48th IPG Students Representative Council.
He is an environmental activist in his campus where he actively voice out issues and provide solution on campus sustainability. He believes that education for sustainable development can and will act as a catalyst for the future generation to affect positive change on environment issues. Thus, he is doing his very best to build the culture for sustainability in his campus.
Khou Jerome : Give Our Hands To Sharks
Speaker 6
Name : Angel Tey Shu Han
Afiliation : PG Kampus Tuanku Bainun
Sembang title : Kembalikan Udara Segar Saya
Seorang siswa pendidik berasal dari Labis, Johor. Sebelum menjejak ke institut pendidikan guru
(IPG), pernah menjadi Kumpulan Guru Sandaran Kebangsaan di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah. Kini menceburi dalam bidang Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak di IPG Kampus Tuanku Bainun, Pulau Pinang. Merupakan anak sulung daripada tiga adik-beradik.
Pernah menjadi ahli Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Jawatankuasa Pewakilan Pelajar, aktif menyertai program seperti kem kaligra di Institusi Pendidikan Guru Ampuan Afzan. Menjadi ahli Skuad Lestari dan diberi peluang menyandang jawatan Naib Pengerusi dalam memimpin skuad semasa Program Persediaan Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Berminat untuk mengendali ‘Edible Garden’ kerana taman sebagai tanda bermulanya langkah dalam alam sekitar. Pertama kali terlibat sepenuhnya dalam aktiviti WWF-Malaysia adalah International Eco-Schools Conference di Shah Alam pada tahun 2015. Sejak dari masa itu, berminat untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang alam sekitar. Sekarang memegang ahli jawatankuasa sosial dan multimedia dalam Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia di Tuanku Bainun.
Angel Tey Shu Han : Kembalikan Udara Segar Saya
Click here to read more about
Sembang@WWF 2016
YEAR 2015

What is Sembang@WWF?
Sembang [pronounced same-bunk], a bilingual story-telling platform is the brainchild of WWF-Malaysia ESD. It aims to provide youth with their own platform to speak and share their ideas on environmental sustainability activities to a larger audience through story-telling. Additionally, its creation is aligned to ESD’s aspiration of creating and developing young leaders who are capable and willing to change their mindset and behaviours for a more sustainable future.
The idea hinges on one of the steps advocated in the strategies of ESD - informing and involving society in their sustainability initiatives ongoing in their respective schools, teacher education campuses, universities and even communities.
Sembang though it alludes to a laidback sentiment in Bahasa Melayu, will be the total opposite of its linguistic meaning in execution. The word was chosen because it embodies the spirit on inclusivity of ESD. It also symbolises aesthetic value and traditional knowledge promotion, which are among the core values of ESD.
Sembang@WWF 2018
(4th Installment)

Tiger Conservation
Tiger in Malaysia is critically endangered, with a decrease from an estimated 3,000 in the 1950’s to only about 300 at present. The declining tiger populations are threatened primarily by habitat loss, poaching and wildlife trade, lack of food and human-tiger conflict. As you notice that the endangerment of tigers is not due to a single factor, we would like to encourage the speakers to speak on various themes relating to tiger conservation.
Interested to know why we are emphasising on tiger conservation for Sembang@WWF 2018, take a look at the video below:
Topics on Tiger Conservation
Category 1 (Primary Level)
What's at Stake? - Problem/Current Situation
Category 2 (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Education Level)
What should I know?
Category 3 (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Education Level)
How can we go about to make things better?
(Call to action)
General Guidelines on organising a Sembang@WWF at your school/campus :
Organise a SEMBANG at your school/campus, with at least 5 participants. Remember, SEMBANG is a story-telling platform, not an elocution contest. It is opened to both primary, secondary and tertiary institutions' students.
Each SEMBANG session should not be more than 15 minutes per speaker (if there are two speakers, 15 minutes maximum combined). There will be no Q&A from the audience. Video usage is allowed to one video and not exceed 2 minutes.
Branding for posters or other materials should be as Sembang@WWF with (Name of school/campus)
Drafting your talk (Content format):
Issue - Aim/Objective/Personal story/Anecdotal
2 Solutions/ 2 main points
Call to action
Always end on a positive note
Can be bilingual
Participants can choose from topics provided by WWF each year. This year, we are focusing on tiger conservation.
WWF will assist selected speakers to improve their script and presentation style for SEMBANG@WWF (21st April 2018).
Selected speakers will represent their school/campus as well as Eco-Schools Programme and FEE EcoCampus Programme Malaysia to speak to the public on Earth Day.
WWF-Malaysia will provide accommodation to selected speakers who are traveling from a different state for the Sembang@WWF Finale. Transportation costs will be provided or reimbursed (if official receipts are provided).
Here is an important Branding Guideline for your school/campus Mini Sembang@WWF
When should my school/campus organise the Mini Sembang@WWF?
January - 15th March 2018:
Teachers/lecturers identify potential students and start organising SEMBANG at your schools/campuses.
Shortlisted speakers will be selected by WWF-Malaysia and further
training will be provided.
Sembang@WWF Finale :
21st April 2018 (Earth Day)
(Organised by WWF-Malaysia)
I am interested to organise Mini Sembang@WWF at my school/campus!
Please select your respective programme to set your Mini Sembang@WWF event.
Check out all Sembang@WWF installments!